Tuesday, March 8, 2011

Prosciutto and Goat Cheese Sandwiches

I don’t know about you, but my idea of an awesome Saturday consists of waking up mid-morning, having a delicious breakfast of fresh cantaloupe and Puffins cereal, going for a nice long run, and going to Whole Foods Market with some friends to make something healthy and delicious. Most would be deterred from venturing to Whole Foods since it is at least a 30 mile road-trip, but that hasn’t discouraged my friends and I because simply, nothing else can compare. It is heaven for health-food-lovers.

This particular Saturday, we were planning on going out to dinner for my friend Sarah’s 18th birthday, and we decided to make her a plate of gooey, chocolaty brownies to go along with it. After walking into the sunny, eco-friendly store filled with the aroma of fresh picked apples and citrus, we got hungry. I remembered that I had read about this sandwich filled with prosciutto, fig jam, and spicy greens. Yum, right? My family are, well, food snobs. So when company expects to find the typical crackers and cheese platters at gatherings, they will instead find a platter filled with interesting cheeses, pates, fig spreads, and a bottle of wine from our vintage wine-cellar. So the flavors in these sandwiches are right at home for me, and are a delicious and creative alternative to the average turkey and cheese sandwich.

Once we arrived back home, we turned on some Jack Johnson and jammed out while making a yummy lunch for us while the brownies were in the oven. I took one bite of this little piece of heaven sandwiched between ciabatta bread, and knew that my days of classic turkey sandwiches were over. Even my friends, the pickiest eaters in the universe, loved these. The combination of the fresh greens, the saltiness of the prosciutto balanced with the sweetness of the fig jam, and the creamy goat cheese all wrapped up in warm, toasty ciabatta, these sandwiches were absolutely scrumptious (and kept us away from the warm brownies fresh from the oven).


1 Package Prosciutto
1 small goat cheese log
fresh leaf lettuce
1 container good quality fig jam
1 fresh roll of ciabatta bread


1.      Slice the ciabatta bread along the sides so you end up with a top and a bottom. Then cut sections in the bread to need.
2.      Spread fig jam on one side of the bread
3.      Spread goat cheese on the other side of the bread
4.      layer pieces of Prosciutto and greens to fill the sandwich
5.      Enjoy! The classic turkey sandwich will never taste as good ever again.

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